Mission Statement:
JUST PEOPLE is an ecumenical gathering of Christians who strive to be deeply rooted in the Gospel by seeking to understand social justice issues in order to ACT individually and collectively to bring about systemic change for the common good.
Who We Are:
We are known as JUST PEOPLE Social Justice Coalition. We are ordinary Christian people who care deeply about our sisters and brothers who have suffered because of poverty, persecution, oppression, exclusion, through no fault of their own. God requires us “to act justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with our God.” Micah 6:8. We believe that our eyes and hearts must be opened to those who are suffering.
We invite and welcome all who are called by the gospel to come and join us.
Watch for JUST PEOPLE articles in the Bell Tower times, ORLC Monthly Newsletter, Bulletin Social Concerns column, and Bulletin at ORLC for information on Justice opportunities. Call Joan Paulson, 651-777-0490 or email to joanpauline45@yahoo.com to get on JUST PEOPLE email list or mailing list.