Our Redeemer Office
1390 Larpenteur Ave E.
St Paul, Mn 55109
Phone Contact
Pastor Christine: 651-772-2445
Fax: 651-771-4548
Email Contact
Pastor Christine: pastor@orlcmn.org
Prayers@orlcmn.org Need Prayers? Use this email address or click on “Prayer Request” on main menu.
Worship Schedule
Traditional Service 1st and 2nd Sunday: 10:00 AM
Worship & Praise 3rd and 4th Sunday: 10:00 AM
Blended Service on 5th Sunday: 10:00 AM
Holy Communion is served every first and third Sundays. At Our Redeemer, everyone is welcome to participate in the sacrament of communion as Christ’s gift. (Juice in place of wine is available as well as gluten-free wafers.) We worship in a variety of ways, and we believe God meets us here. Come where the Spirit leads you. Please join us!