The life of a Christian church is certainly meant to have a heart for the world around us that is both near and far. Here at Our Redeemer we are passionate about being mission minded in care for our neighbors through our partnerships, our program and our prayers.
Through prayer we continually lift up the work that is being done in and through our mission partners. Through partnerships we seek to come alongside of others for the good of communities and for the avenue of faithful serving it provides for us. And through programs that we undertake we seek to reach out in care in various ways. Here is a taste of our Mission engagement:
Community Sharing – Every Wednesday from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. we partner with Loaves and Fishes to provide a freshly cooked to-go meal for any who drive or walk up to the church. During 2022 we averaged around 200 meals a night. On these nights we also act as a distribution point for donated food that comes from Merrick Community Services and the North St Paul Food Shelf. In 2023 we have been averaging about $4500 worth of food distributed every week with volunteers using the ‘wish list’ that people fill out to then box up and bring items to their car.
Financial Support goes to various agencies and organizations like Lutheran Social Services, Isaiah, Alley shoppe, Daily Work, ELCA Hunger Appeal, Lutheran Disaster Response, Lutheran World Relief, and Emergency gift Cards.
Doulos Discovery School is a 20 year old Christian based school in the middle of the Dominican Republic that serves preschool through 12th grade, with 50 % of the students coming from lower economic situations. Through expeditionary learning and a bi-lingual format this school is making a huge difference in the lives of kids and their families. We provide scholarship support and hands on mission trips to this special place.
Bega Kwa Bega is the Swahili word meaning shoulder to shoulder. As one of over 60 congregations in the St Paul area with a direct partnership to a congregation in central Tanzania (Kidewa) this relationship allows us the chance to reach out and help develop churches in the area villages, and provide student scholarships for engagement in school. Our Redeemer has also been part of visits to Tanzania to meet, visit, and worship with our partners.
We also open our doors to support various groups in the community including, Taking off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS), Gamblers Anonymous (GA), as a meeting site for autistic adults, the local voting site, and larger meetings for the Watershed District, area church gatherings, and various special event celebrations.